
The Sonoma Valley Legends Series is a video tribute to the people who helped make Sonoma Valley the world-class wine region that it is today.

Richard Arrowood & Phil Coturri – Episode 1

Screen Shot 2015-10-14 at 4.36.23 PMRichard Arrowood and Phil Coturri may seem like an unlikely pairing. Phil, the child of the 60’s organic farmer. Richard, the buttoned-up iconic winemaster. And yet, together, their contributions to California winemaking can’t be understated.

The title legend fits Richard well. His Sonoma Valley roots go back to 1974 when he established a pioneering vineyard designate program for Chateau St. Jean. With his own Arrowood Winery and now Amapola Creek, Richard’s reputation as a true winemaster is, well, legendary.


What can we say about Phil that hasn’t been said here? Or here? A grape grower practically since birth, few people have contributed more to the quality of Sonoma Valley wines. But equally important to Phil are the many strides he has made to validate and promote sustainable and organic wine farming.



Phil & Richard discuss what makes their grower/vintner dynamic work.

Phil helped bring Richard along on the value of sustainable farming.

Richard, with grapes grown by Phil, was among the first to isolate vineyards.

Richard shares stories of some crazy acquaintances you’ve likely heard of.

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