Today we are sharing details about IMMERSION, one of the events within SIGNATURE SONOMA VALLEY, April 7 & 8. IMMERSION takes you behind-the-vines at either @KamenWines or #DurellVineyard. The Kamen Vineyard excursion will be personally led by proprietor Robert Kamen who will be joined by legendary Sonoma Valley winegrower Phil Coturri, winemaker Mark Herold, and Master Sommelier Christophe Tassan. SIGNATURE SONOMA VALLEY details and tickets at our profile link. #SignatureSonomaValley #SonomaValleyWine #TheRootsRunDeep #wine #KamenEstateWines #RobertKamen #PhilCoturri @pcoturri #ChristopheTassan #MasterSommelier #Sommelier

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