The Sonoma Valley Vintners & Growers Board of Directors was introduced at yesterday’s annual State of the Alliance held at @RamekinsSonoma. The Board includes (Back row, Left to right): Erich Bradley, @PanglossCellars; Richard Idell, @IdellFamilyVineyards; Jon Parker, #Highway12Winery; Dan Zepponi, @MadroneEstate; Steven Sangiacomo, @SangiacomoVineyards; Gary Buffo, @Pure_Luxury_Transportation; Rick Corcoran, @FairmontSonoma; Jonny Westom, @Sonoma_Valley; Executive Director Maureen Cottingham, @SonomaValleyWine. (Front row, Left to right): Prema Behan, @ThreeSticksWines; Vice President Alan Ross, Ross Vineyards; President Kenneth Juhasz, @AuteurWines; Secretary Lauren Benward Krause, @BeltaneRanch. Not pictured: Treasurer Bill Hooper, @TygeWilliamCellars. #SonomaValleyWine #TheRootsRunDeep #Leadership

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