#SignatureSonomaValley Immersion at Bedrock Vineyard offered guests a taste of history in which each of the featured wines were vineyard designates exclusively from Sonoma Valley’s many centuries-old historic vineyards, dating as far back as 1888. Founding Vintner of @ravenswoodwinery Joel Peterson engaged Master of Wine Dr. Liz Thach in a discussion with Will Bucklin of Old Hill Ranch, Diane Kenworthy Winegrower of Barricia Vineyards and Bedrock Vineyards on the art of coaxing the most out of these vineyards that have withstood the test of time. A fabulous lunch catered by @ramekinssonoma followed the panel discussion with wines from Once & Future, Ravenswood Winery, Kunde, and Bedrock Wine Co. More to come… #wine #ancientvines #godfatherofzin @raven1947zsxs #BedRockVineyard

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