From Ben Cane at @westwoodwine: I popped into the vineyard to check on a few things this morning and found a bulldozer and truck going across the top of the property. When I ventured up to the hill I met Palmer (left) and Ed (right) who were working on tidying up their grader work of the 20’ fire break they had carved at the top of our property. Palmer lives an hour away & had been fighting the fires from the first night on Oct 8. He told of his sadness and weariness from fighting such an unpredictable monster, told stories of defending people’s homes and their sheer joy of finding them still standing upon return. Ed joined later in the fight but both were veterans of firefighting and looked well worn-down and exhausted. I thanked them both very deeply from all of us & our bigger community. These two unassuming men who risked their lives to save our community and our vineyard. So deeply grateful and so wonderful to meet them. #sonomastrong #winecountrystrong #localheroes #SonomaValleyWine #TheRootsRunDeep

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