Thirsty Thursday’s 5:30 pm PST
Join members from the Three Sticks winemaking team every Thursday. Each week, the team will focus on a different topic – whether that’s a wine they’ve just released, a deep-dive into blending techniques, a tour of the winery, and more! These are hosted on Instagram Live at 5:30pm PT.
Happy Hour Friday’s 5:01 pm PST
Join the Three Sticks team for happy hour every Friday, on Instagram Live at 5:01pm PT. raise a glass, hear from different members of the team, and ring in the weekend!
Wednesday, April 22 4:00 pm PST – Swirl in Place
Join Three Sticks Wines Assistant Winemaker, Carl Formaker, and Gary Saperstein, for a discussion highlighting the recently released 2019 Casteñada Rosé. Hosted via Zoom on April 22nd at 4:00pm PT. Details here.
Daily at 10:30 am, 1:00 pm, or 3:30 pm – Virtual Tasting Appointments
Virtual Tasting Kits are now available online here and are comprised of 5 wines. Guests who purchase a Virtual Tasting Kit may then schedule an in-home, personalized experience by contacting Appointments will be offered 7 days a week at 10:30 am, 1 pm, or 3:30 pm and guests may also request a specific time for this private experience.
The Virtual Tasting Kit is $285 and includes one bottle each of the following wines:
2019 Casteñada Rosé
2018 Durell Vineyard Origin Chardonnay
2018 Gap’s Crown Vineyard Chardonnay
2018 Price Family Estates Pinot Noir
2018 Russian River Valley Pinot Noir
The experience will be held on the Zoom platform, and will include education collateral which guests can use to follow along. All Virtual Tasting Kits purchased through the webstore will be shipped out prior to the tasting.