The Great Disruptors Call of The Wild Gala 2019
Jack London State Historic Park 2400 London Ranch Road Glen Ellen, CA 95442
09/21/2019 - 09/21/2019
06:00 pm
- 10:00 pm
This year’s gala celebrates the rebels, the bold, the passionate the driven and we want YOU to join us! Our event includes a big shout out to four of our valley’s greatest change agents:
Innovation: Nancy Lasseter
Passion: Amy Miller
Entrepreneurship: Ari Weiswasser
Vision: Doug McConnell
Radical, live entertainment is planned under the stars at Jack London’s Beauty Ranch with revolutionarily delicious dining prepared by Stellar Catering and abundant elixir from Jack’s longtime companion, John Barleycorn. All proceeds benefit Jack London State Historic Park.
So…… “Get Up; Wake Up; Kick In; Do Something; Deliver the Goods; Come Across; Arise or Be Forever Damned!” – Jack London