Ram’s Gate Winery: Terroir to Table
Rams Gate Winery | 28700 Arnold Dr., Sonoma
04/27/2019 - 04/27/2019
06:00 pm
- 10:00 pm
Celebrating New Beginnings with Director of Winemaking, Joe Neilsen and Executive Chef, Stacy Combs.
Please join us in welcoming Joe Nielsen and Stacey Combs as they take center stage to present our Spring Terroir to Table dinner. For the first time, this dynamic duo has collaborated on an inspiring spring menu including a special preview of Joe Nielsen’s inaugural wines with Ram’s Gate and Stacey Combs’ debut as Executive Chef.
From our continued focus of making outstanding wine, to the culinary artistry in our kitchen, we are building an experience that sets us apart. We are excited to share an evening to savor — from our vineyard to you!
Event Details
Ram’s Gate Winery
Saturday, April 27th, 2019
6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
$165 + tax per member
$185 + tax per non-member
Due to the popularity and nature of this event, all tickets are final sale and non-refundable.
Tickets may be transferable to another guest name if you are unable to attend.
All guests at Ram’s Gate Winery member events are required to be 21 years of age or older.