Jacuzzi Family Vineyards, 24724 Arnold Drive, Sonoma
01/25/2015 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Experience the best in the Olive World at Jacuzzi Family Vineyards and The Olive Press. Learn methods for de-bittering olives from local Olive legend Don Landis. Don will cover olive history, growing, harvesting, and curing techniques and share his personal recipe for “No Lye” curing so you can try your skills at home. Nibble samples, taste gourmet olive oils and tour the Olive Press Mill at in beautiful Sonoma Valley. Wine and Olive Oil discounts will be offered to all participants. Jacuzzi Family Vineyards 11am to 1pm – Free admission – RSVPs requested.
RSVP to Don Landis olivedon@hotmail.com www.olivedon.com or www.jacuzziwines.com