Fulcrum Winery: Holiday Party
Fulcrum WInes | 25 East Napa Street, Suite D, Sonoma
12/09/2017 - 12/09/2017
03:00 pm
- 07:00 pm
We want to you all to visit us again in Sonoma. Whether you are local or only come to Sonoma once in a while we hope you continue to make the pilgrimage to our tasting room. We know the fires have been the story in the last few weeks and rightly so. However we also want you to know our area is open for business and ready to welcome guests.
In that spirit we want to announce our Holiday Open House is from 3pm to 7pm on Saturday December 9th. The event will be catered by The Girl and the Fig. They have paired some great bites with our wines. What we all need right now is some holiday cheer and I hope you can join us on the 9th if you are local. If you are out of the area, please come see us soon!