Buena Vista Winery: From Employee to Entrepreneur
Buena Vista Winery | 18000 Old Winery Rd Sonoma
03/06/2018 - 03/06/2018
06:00 pm
- 08:00 pm
So you’re thinking about going out on your own?
…Navigating the transition from employee to entrepreneur.
Many think the transition from employee to entrepreneur is a linear one, but it’s anything but that. If you’re in the early years of launching your business, or if you’re considering “sticking it to the man” and going out on your own, this event is for you.
Our guest is local Business Coach, Jay Rooke. Jay’s a former attorney that learned this lesson the hard way when he lost everything trying to open a restaurant. Perplexed that his acumen, work ethic and passion weren’t enough to make the business successful, his lost inspired him to focus on helping overachievers navigate the transition from employee to entrepreneur. His goal is to help entrepreneurs realize their dreams, and not lose their shirts in the process.
Jay helps his clients develop executive functioning skills, improve stress management, clean up their decision-making processes, strategize about their businesses, and overall become happier, more successful entrepreneurs.
The event will be highly interactive. Jay will provide some content and structure, but wants to enlist real life examples from the attendees so that you get your questions answered. Jay will also comment on the challenges and assets that he observes in his female clients, compared to the men he works with.