Robledo Family Winery: Fiesta for Education
Robledo Family Winery | 21901 Bonness Road Sonoma
03/24/2018 - 03/24/2018
05:30 pm
- 09:30 pm
The fiesta promises to be packed with MUCHA diversion (lots of fun), consisting of live music, a delicious dinner by Peninsula Catering & Events with wine pairings by Robledo Family Winery , silent auction, and of course a DJ to end with dancing.
Fiesta for Education is a fundraiser event with the aim to raise proceeds for our scholarship fund. Every year La Luz Center awards scholarships to graduating Sonoma Valley High School seniors who understand the importance of academics and at the same time are making a difference in the "Springs" community through volunteering.
In the words of Herbert Spencer “The great aim of education is not knowledge but action”. Take action now by supporting this worthy event and join our fiesta!
Tickets: $100 Each person requires a ticket for entry
Tickets can be purchase online through eventbrite or please send a check with the name of attendees to La Luz Center 17560 Greger St. Sonoma, Ca, 95476. Please pre purchase all tickets before the event as no tickets will be sold at the door.
For event questions please contact Angie Sanchez, Community Engagement Manager at 707-938-5131 ext. 113 or by email at angie@laluzcenter.org