Ty Caton Vineyards: February Pick Up & New Release Party
Ty Caton Vineyards Tasting Room, 8910 Sonoma Highway, Kenwood, CA 95452
02/13/2016 - 02/13/2016
11:00 am
- 05:00 pm
Come visit Team Ty at the tasting room and enjoy light appetizers, music and great discounts! Pick up your Wine Club Selection! Pick up your 2014 Futures orders! Taste our new releases including our brand new Bordeaux blend ~Upper Bench – Block Three! Taste our Double Gold and Gold medal winning wines – just announced from the San Francisco Chronicle Wine Competition! Cabernet Collection members ~ Your March 2016 wines will also be available for pick up if you would like to pick them up early! Bring a friend, or a few… Complimentary for wine club members and three guests. $20 General PublicPlease RSVP to ensure that your wine is available for pick up. RSVP by February 11th to by clicking the link below or contact us directly at angela@tycaton.com or call 7079383224 ext.1http://www.eventbrite.com/e/february-pick-up-new-release-party-tickets-20959752183?aff=efbevent