Stone Edge Farm Estate Vineyards and Winery: Exclusive Reception for the Stone Edge Farm Family
Stone Edge Farm |139 E. Napa St, Sonoma
03/02/2019 - 03/02/2019
03:00 pm
- 05:00 pm
Stone Edge Farm Kitchen Larder Cookbook Pre-Release Celebration
As part of the Stone Edge Farm family, you are cordially invited to attend an exclusive Signature Authors Reception at Edge, our culinary home in downtown Sonoma. This pre-release reception is the first event celebrating the publication of our new cookbook. Meet our chef-authors John McReynolds, Fiorella Butron, and Mike Emanuel and receive a signed copy of the first edition. Several Stone Edge Farm wines will be poured, and canapés featured in the book will be served. Kindly reply by Thursday, February 28.
$35 for Collectors | $60 for non-members | Includes 1 book
Please RSVP to concierge@stoneedgefarm.com