Larson Family Winery: Dia de Los Muertos
Larson Family Winery | 23355 Millerick Road, Sonoma
10/20/2017 - 11/02/2017
10:00 am
- 05:00 pm
Participate in the Day of the Dead
At Larson we will be observing Dia de Los Muertos, or day of the Dead, now through November 2nd. It is a holiday rooted in Hispanic and Central-American traditions, and originated centuries ago with the ancient indigenous Aztecs. They honored the lives of their late family members and loved ones by creating and decorating beautiful altars with colorful flowers and favorite belongings of the departed. The tradition has continued and has become popular in the US and many other countries.
There will be original artwork by Pat McIntosh, and guests are welcome to bring their own photos, sugar skulls, flowers, etc. to honor those that have passed and are special to them. You can even leave a note for them. The altar is said to be a bridge between the living and the deceased, where the living can receive wisdom from the departed and the departed can receive support in their spiritual journey. Come remember and celebrate a toast to those who have given us so much! No charge for entry.