Mayo Family Winery: Cinco de MAYO
Mayo Family Winery 13101 Arnold Drive Glen Ellen, CA 95442
05/05/2019 - 05/05/2019
11:00 am
- 05:00 pm
Since 2017 was our 25th harvest (and we literally had our hands in the fire) we have decided to celebrate our 25th Anniversary a bit late. We will be featuring a variety of Mayo Family Wines; including the 2017 Reserve Chardonnay from the Laurel Hill Vineyard, the reason we are in the business as all.
Let's make the day a true fiesta and celebrate Cinco de "Mayo" our 25th anniversary! Join Henry, Diane & Jeffrey Mayo for this celebration of family, friends, fine wine and ALL OF YOU who have supported our little winery for so long! Who would have thought that we would have made it through floods and fire. Come join us before the locusts arrive…
Sip and savor Mayo wines all day, including our first release from the 2017 vintage—our 25th!
Club Members Complimentary | Non-Club Member Price $25
FOR TICKETS E-MAIL courtney@mayofamilywinery.com