St. Anne’s Crossing Winery: 2020 Wine & Chili Pairing Competition
St. Annes Crossing Winery:
02/01/2020 - 02/01/2020
11:00 am
- 04:00 pm
We invite you to visit each of our 11 wineries on Saturday February 1st for our 4th Annual Wine & Chili Pairing Competition. Each participating winery will work with a local chef to create a chili recipe perfectly paired to one of their favorite wines. Guests will receive a commemorative wine glass to use for their visit to each winery to judge the wine which has the best wine and chili pairing. Votes will be collected at the end of the day. Each guest who drops in a completed ballot is entered to win one of three available prize packages.
$25 for club members
$35 non-club
Early Bird Tickets: members: buy your tickets by 12/12/19 and secure an early bird ticket price of $15/per person. You must use your member code at checkout for member pricing.
PLEASE NOTE! This year, Jaxon Keys and Greenwood Ridge will each have chili and wine tasting stations at Coyote Sonoma, our newest Healdsburg venue. No chili will be available at Jaxon Keys or Greenwood Ridge winery locations. St. Anne's Crossing will only be serving chili at St. Anne's Crossing this year.
Club Members: Contact your home club to secure your Discount Code for discounted tickets.
Wilson: angie@wilsonwinery.com
Mazzocco: liz@mazzocco.com
Matrix: wineclub@matrixwinery.com
Pezzi King: sharon@pezziking.com
Soda Rock: selma@sodarockwinery.com
deLorimier: arden@delorimierwinery.com
St. Anne's: carolyn@stannescrossing.com
Jaxon Keys: ashley@jaxonkeys.com
Greenwood Ridge: stacie@greenwoodridge.com
Rockpile: tori@rockpilevineyards.com
Your starting location will be based off the ticket you select. A limited number of check-ins are available at each location, so purchase your tickets early to secure your preferred check-in venue.