
Every Tuesday Night beginning May 5th to October 27th, 5:30 – 9:00pm
Sign up as a featured vintner to taste and sell wine to Farmers’ Market attendees.

Participation Requirements:

  • Vintners must provide a copy of an active winegrower’s license (Type 02)
  • Complete the following permits required and pay fees associated ASAP:
  • Choose top 3 dates to participate. Click here to view available dates.
  • Choose wine to showcase (1-2 cases suggested for pouring, 2 cases for wine sales)
  • Indicate two (2) winery employees attending to pour and sell wine.
    • You have complete control on how you choose to record sales.
  • Make Payment of Total Participation Fee: $55
    • Check payable to: Sonoma Valley Vintners and Growers Alliance
    • This is the nightly participation fee, does not cover entire season.